
          I never went very far in the Boy Scouts. We had a chapter at the Catholic Church when I was growing up but for some reason, I never got very involved. I don’t think I ever went higher than a “Tenderfoot”!

          One thing I do remember is the principle that is the motto of the Boy Scouts: “Be Prepared!

          For the maintenance tech a repair goes smoother and lasts longer if you are not rushed to finish and are prepared to do the job right!

          Temporary repairs are sometimes needed but unfortunately, sometimes lead to permanent, bad solutions!

          Since I am on call 24/7, I try hard to be able to get to the problem and repair it quickly. To do this, I spend a lot of my free time preparing.  

          This section of the website seeks to prepare you to be prepared. We will cover tools, time management, technology, and other tips to make you a better tech and a top type Christian!

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